Sunday, November 20, 2011

Empire State Building in 'King Kong'

Where do you think we can see the most amazing nightview?

I would say "on the top of the Emprire State Building"

As you might know, the Empire State has been a location where quite a few famous movies were shot. Especially, it is wel-known as a location of the movie "King Kong".

When visiting the Empire State, I couldn't help but be startled by the view. It was absolutely breathtaking!

There is some arguments that which one offers better view between the Empire State and the Rockefeller Center. Since I've never been to the Rockefeller, I can't compare two of them, but definitely the Empire state had the best nightview I've ever seen!
I could totally understand why many filmmakers chose this place, and wished to be Naomi Watts in King Kong for a minute. :)

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Columbia University in 'Gossip Girl'

Gossip girl here. Your one and only source into the scandalous lives of Manhattan's elite!

This is my favorite American series Gossip Girl. When I was in Korea and watched it, I was eager to visit NYC, especially Upper East Side and see real Newyorkers' life. 

Then, I went to Columbia University, which was one of Gossip Girl's filming locations. 
The university campus was truly beautiful with nice buildings, gardens and people enjoying their free time or studying.(Look at the lovely couple in the picture!) 
It was so peaceful but lively. 

Actually, I took more nice pictures there, but can't send them to my laptop since I didn't bring my camera cable from Korea, but I'll upload  more pictures soon when I get new one.

XOXO -Jiyoung 

Sunday, November 6, 2011

The National Museum of the American Indian in 'Black Swan'

This is a scene from 'Black Swan', one of my favorite movies. Do you see the back head of the woman? It's  Natalie Portman's.
While watching the movie, I thought the statue in this picture was just made for the movie, because it really fits well on the movie, making creepy atmosphere.

But,  I found it was just a brilliant use of the existing figure and location when I visited  The National Museum of the American Indian in Manhattan for my school excursion.
As I googled, the statue is a 1999 work by artist Fritz Scholder entitled Future Clone.

We can also find more NYC's figures in this movie! Here is one example. Lincoln center Station-
From now on, you might look for Natalie Portman when you are around the station... :p