Sunday, November 6, 2011

The National Museum of the American Indian in 'Black Swan'

This is a scene from 'Black Swan', one of my favorite movies. Do you see the back head of the woman? It's  Natalie Portman's.
While watching the movie, I thought the statue in this picture was just made for the movie, because it really fits well on the movie, making creepy atmosphere.

But,  I found it was just a brilliant use of the existing figure and location when I visited  The National Museum of the American Indian in Manhattan for my school excursion.
As I googled, the statue is a 1999 work by artist Fritz Scholder entitled Future Clone.

We can also find more NYC's figures in this movie! Here is one example. Lincoln center Station-
From now on, you might look for Natalie Portman when you are around the station... :p


  1. What did you think of the movie Black Swan? I thought it was great and very interesting but a lot of my friends thought it was too strange.

  2. True..haha- but being strange and abnormal was the reason why I liked this movie since it let my imagination run free. :)
